The Ghost

Once I was eating my dinner with my family. Suddenly someone rang the doorbell. I looked around and no one was there. My family and my food had disappeared.  I was shivering and I opened the door. (Can you guess who it was?) It was a horrible looking man. He was a ghost and was floating in the air.


Even the electricity had gone off. I was still shivering. He gave me a bag. I opened the bag. To my horror it was a human head. I got so scared that I dropped the bag. I ran as fast as I could and hid myself under the table. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming. I was so still that I didn’t even breathe. The ghost looked under the table. No one was there. (Where have I gone?) Just before the ghost looked down, I had quietly tiptoed and gone into the kitchen and hidden myself inside the fridge. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. By mistake I dropped a bottle of orange juice. Then I thought ‘’ What a foolish person I am to drop a bottle of orange juice.’’ Suddenly the ghost opened the fridge door. He took his hand and shook me again and again. I screamed loudly with terror. Suddenly I opened my eyes.

To my surprise I had been sleeping on my bed. My mother was shaking me again and again telling me, “Parvathi, why are screaming so loudly? Wake up or you are going to be late for your school!’’

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