Tanjore Tutorial

Do you want to make a Tanjore Painting? 

Here are the instructions to make one!

Let’s get started!


Materials needed : Muck board, Stones, Chalk powder, Water, Fevicol, Arabic Gum(comes in the form of rocks), Paint Brush, Paints, Gold foil, Compass, Paper(a bit smaller than the muck board), Pencil, Carbon Sheet, a Pen without ink and used Milk Packet or Plastic cone.

STEP 1 :

Draw a rough outline of your picture on to the paper.

STEP 2 :

Draw a border on the muck board and place the paper with drawing on the board and stick just its top corners on to the border of the board.

STEP 3 :

Place the carbon sheet under the drawing on the board.

STEP 4 :

Trace out the drawing on to the board.

STEP 5 :

Carefully remove the carbon sheet and the drawing on the paper.

STEP 6 :

Outline the drawing on the board with a pencil and also add a few more details.

STEP 8 :

Stick the stones (gems) onto the places where there are supposed to be jewels.

STEP 9 :

Mix the chalk powder and water to make a thick paste.

STEP 10 :

Spread the paste in the places where there will be gold and wait for it to dry.

STEP 11 :

While the picture dries, empty the milk packet and rotate it into cone and seal it with tape. Leave a very tiny hole at the bottom and make sure that there is a big hole at the top. Fill it with the chalk paste and seal the top.

STEP 12 :

After the picture has dried, draw the designs which come in the picture with the cone. Wait for it to dry.

STEP 13 :

Wipe out the stones with were covered in chalk paste with a wet cloth.

STEP 14 :

Soak the Arabic gum in water for a day.

STEP 15 :

Cut out the gold foil and stick it with the Arabic gum in the places of gold.(Use a soft cloth to press it.) The designs in chalk paste will leave an impression on the gold foil.  You can put the foil even on the stones instead of sticking around it.

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STEP 16 :

Dip your brush lightly in water and brush the places where the stones are covered in foil.

STEP 17 :

Scratch out the foil on the stones while it is still wet with the compass.

STEP 18 :

Paint the rest of your picture (face, body, background, clothes, etc.)

STEP 19 :

Frame your picture and hang it.




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