Galaxy Theme Pot-How to make


All you need is the following materials to decorate a boring old pot at home!

  1. Poster paints poster paints.jpg
  2. a flat paintbrushpaintbrush.jpg
  3. a newspaper
  4. cotton(medicine type)
  5. a little water                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            How to do?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1. Paint your pot black. You can paint it inside too if you want.                                           2. let dry                                                                                                                                       3. dip a ball of cotton in some blue paint and dab in random places.                               4. apply the same for pink, purple, light blue.                                                                       5. let dry
  6. dip the ends of your paintbrush in white paint(only the ends)
  7. pull the brush hairs upwards and release. let the flecks of paint fall on the painted pot.
  8. let dry.
  10. ( water is used to adjust the thickness of paint)
  11. (newspaper is to be kept under the pot so that the paint does not come onto the table)

6 thoughts on “Galaxy Theme Pot-How to make

  1. Very nice, Paru! I love it! I would prefer using a toothbrush to a paintbrush, but to each her own. Also, many people throw out toothbrushes, but not paintbrushes.

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