Phone Stylus-How To Make

Materials needed: Earbud, ballpoint pen, aluminium foil, tape.

How to make:

  1. Take the pen and remove the ink tube from the ballpoint pen.
  2. cut the end of the earbud and insert it into the end of the pen with the cotton part outside.stylus1
  3. secure with tape.
  4. wrap the aluminium foil around the pen and make sure it touches the earbud.
  5. secure with tape.
  6. rub a drop of water on the earbud just so that it is damp, and not dripping wet.                                                 YOUR STYLUS IS NOW READY!

9 thoughts on “Phone Stylus-How To Make

  1. i was actually going to buy a new stylus when i came across this page.. IT ACTUALLY WORKS
    you have to hold the foil for it to work
    i didnt know that before

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