13 Keyboard shortcuts that you must know

  1. Ctrl/Cmd + W = used to close your current tab in google.

2. Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + T = If you accidentally closed a tab in google, you can use this to open that tab

3. Alt + F4 = to close all tabs in any application

4. Ctrl/Cmd + Tab = To switch between tabs in google

5. Ctrl/Cmd + J = To view all downloads in your PC

6. Alt/Opt + Tab = to view all applications open in your device

7. Ctrl/Cmd + H = To open all your history

8. Ctrl/Cmd + R = to reload your page = F5

9. F11 = to enter full screen

10. Win + R = to immediately open any file in your device

11. Shift (5 times) = to open sticky keys

12. Shift + Any letter = to switch to capital letter

13. Ctrl/Cmd + D = to add a book mark to your current google page.

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