Documenting the Growth of a bunch of Flowers.


As you can see, the buds are very small on our 1st Day.

DAY 3 :

Day 3 – The buds have grown a little more

Day 5:

As we can see here, on Day 5, there is quite a difference from Day 3

Day 8:

A significant growth from Day 1

Day 14:

Day 14! This is really exciting

Day 16:

What flowers will these bloom into?

DAY 19:

Day 23 :

And… it has HAPPENED! A single flower has bloomed!

A few extra pictures…

The name of this plant is Ixora or West Indian Jasmine. Commonly seen in many places in India, it consists of tropical evergreen trees and shrubs and holds around 562 species! Though it is native to both subtropical as well as tropical areas around the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia.

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