My entry for the Ickabog Illustration Competition…


J.K.Rowling will be releasing her latest book, The Ickabog sometime during November 2020. Since this story is aimed children between ages 7 and 12, she decided to organize an Illustration Competition-the winners’ illustrations would be printed in the book!

Now when I learnt about this competition, I decided that I had to participate as I am HUGELY ENORMOUSLY MASSIVE Harry Potter Fan.

And so I entered the competition.

1. Here is my illustration of one of the characters – Lord Spittleworth. The topic I chose was ‘Lord Spittleworth and his Glass of Wine.
2. This is my second entry. The Ickabog is a supposedly a fierce, scary monster which no one has ever seen. This is an imagination of what it might look like…
3. Spoiler Picture. This is my 3rd entry…

On 17th July 2020, I got an email saying that my illustration of Lord Spittle worth had been shortlisted. It was one of the 340 shortlisted illustration from 18,000 submissions!

The next step was to keep this news a secret, send the drawing to the publishers, sign a few documents and then wait…

We were told in that email, that the winners would be contacted in the week commencing 10th August 2020. And the happy news was that shortlisted people would receive a free copy of the book along with a certificate!

And so we waited…

10th of August 2020 came, and went. It started from a Monday then to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and eventually, Friday. I was rather disappointed. All throughout the week, I had prayed to God hoping that I would be a winner. On Friday, we received an email from the competition saying that we did not make it.

But then I realized that winning wasn’t important, it was the fact that I had used my time effectively to participate in the competition and had been shortlisted among 18,000 participants that made me realize how lucky I was!

Now, I am really excited about getting the book and certificate!

I hope you liked this post. To hear more from me, please like, leave a comment or follow!

To know more about The Ickabog, visit .

8 thoughts on “My entry for the Ickabog Illustration Competition…

  1. Hi Parvathi,

    I was one of the first few to know about Ickabog through one of the publishers who was in competition with others to publish the book… and when that publisher lost the bid, he felt he had lost the best opportunity, but he has moved on since…the attempt is all that matters, not the end. I hope you know the story of how Harry Potter was received when J.K Rowling first approached the publishers with the story…🙂.

    Keep writing! We are all proud of you and of course, do cherish the copy of the book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Surabhi!
      Yes, I have read about how 12 publishers refused to publish the book(Harry Potter)!
      I will definitely cherish the book!😀🙂🙂
      Thank you very much for your encouragement and visiting my website!
      Thank you for reading my post!😊


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