A Perfect Day

I wake up at half past seven in the morning, brush my teeth and take a bath.  I then sit down at the table to have my breakfast. But then, guess what? School gets cancelled! Because of – well, let’s say, there are severe cyclonic storms coming –  and hence internet connection would become poor. That’s why school would get cancelled. That doesn’t sound like much of a reason. But then again, why else would online classes get cancelled? And how else could my day get off with a perfecter, I mean, more perfect start? And besides –

Moving on, I get really happy at this news, and decide to spend my entire day just WASTING TIME. So after breakfast, I sit down to write something for this blog. I open Word, and choose the blank template. I sit and stare at the screen for a few minutes. I try writing something. When no ideas come to my mind after, say ten minutes, and although I don’t like unfinished endings, I give up, close the document and go to the one of the best things on the internet.


In which there’s YouTube!

I check my notifications and watch random videos for about half an hour. I then get a sudden urge to draw and I open my tablet and scribble whatever I feel like scribbling. And now, it’s time for lunch.

I eat my usual food like curd rice with some curry, but of course, this is my PERFECT DAY – so I get surprised with some fantastic food like – lasagna? Lasagne? Lasagna. I enjoy my lunch while reading a book. And then almost everyone in the house goes to take a nap, all lights are turned off and now’s when the REAL FUN BEGINS.

Well, I’m not sure how much fun it’ll be for you, and of course, fun really depends on an individual level. But then again, I didn’t know what to write here, so I’m looking it up – truly fun things to do at home.

But all these search results aren’t even things that I can do by myself, like for example –

  • One website suggested – Embrace the Backyard – Turn that patch of green into an outdoor play wonderland with games and summer essentials. With cornhole and croquet to kites and a kiddie pool, your kids should never be bored again.

FIRST OF ALL, I don’t have any PATCH OF GREEN in my backyard. There’re just rocks. And I have no idea what cornholes and croquets to kites are. So this’s out.

So I just sit at my desk and wear my headphones and listen to music. But before the song gets over (and even though I hate un-finished endings), –

The bell rings.

And I walk to the door, and someone from Amazon delivers a package. My heart races with excitement. And before I reveal what happens next, I would like to tell you that – Dumbledore once said, ‘Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.’ So I grin to myself, and switch on the light. I RIP OPEN the package and my joy increases by leaps and bounds. I joyously grab ten kilograms of bubble wrap and spend HOURS popping it.

But of course, all good things must come to an end; and A Perfect Day must have A Perfect End. And you may think, ‘Eh, this story doesn’t seem THAT pleasing, I would imagine a perfect day to be MUCH better!’ But what if I told you that everything was an imagination, a story I day-dreamed during school? Think about it.

When a class gets so boring that you would start to day-dream, you would of course want it to get over, or the class to get cancelled! And that’s how school would be cancelled on my Perfect Day.

You may have noticed that it’s been more than a week since my previous post. And therefore I would have opened Word and tried to write something. But then when a teacher is talking in the background, I would be unable to concentrate and hence eventually give up and close the document.

I would then try to cover up the sound of her voice by playing something on YouTube.

I would also draw a weird-looking guy at the back of my notebook, just like everybody else does.

And then, even my STOMACH wouldn’t be able to bear the boredom. It would cause me to think about what lunch could be. Initially, I would think of my usual curd rice, but then I a tiny part of me would think, ‘What if I have a delicious lunch as a surprise?’

And like anyone else who’s-stuck-in-a-boring-class-and-day-dreaming,-only-to-find-out-that-everything-I-dreamed-never-happened, I tried to look up fun things to do on the internet.

You know what happened.

So I just used a playlist and played background music while trying to pay attention in class. But then, the bell rings! I would leave my song unfinished AGAIN, my excitement would once again be aroused, and I would abandon my class and run towards the door. However, when I open the package that the Amazon person delivers, the bubbles of suspense and joy in me are popped, as I frustratedly look at the un-satisfying and un-finished –


Picture source – https://www.pexels.com/photo/aurora-borealis-3081835/

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