The Worst Decisions Characters Make in Horror Movies

I’ve always noticed some of the stupidest decisions made by characters in horror/ ghost movies. Over the years, I’ve watched many horror movies, in multiple languages, and there are always common elements in all of them. And somehow the main characters ALWAYS seem to make all the wrong choices.

  • #1 – For example let’s start off with – ‘Moving into a new house’. This has happened in about 90% of the horror movies I’ve seen. The house broker would show a family around in a new house, there’s usually a small child in the family (who would be the initial victim of the ghost’s), there would be blood stains on the walls, news of people who would have previously been tortured and brutally murdered in the house (it’s usually an ancient bungalow with creaking floorboards too). And YET, the family moving in would buy it, and they NEVER demolish the house which would be on the verge of rotting to death.

    If they would just buy a better place, or even just rebuild the entire place (throwing out EVERY SINGLE ITEM – ESPECIALLY board games and seemingly innocent looking dolls), I’m pretty sure half the horror stuff would never happen.
  • #2 – When the ghost just SLIPS BEHIND SOMEONE when they’re walking down a corridor, and they turn around AFTER it leaves or they don’t turn around AT ALL and just continue walking.

I’ve seen this happen billions of times. AND IT’S SO POINTLESS.

The lights are blinking – there’s a weird creature behind him, it does all of that, and he NEVER sees it…
  • #3 – The ghost behind in the mirror.

It’s always in the bathroom. Someone brushes their teeth or, even worse, washes their face with soap, meaning that when their face is soapy, they cannot see what’s going on, making them SO VULNERABLE. And the ghost would be there RIGHT BEHIND their reflection in the mirror. Usually in these scenes, there’s always intense drama and build-up while the person washes their face, but nothing usually happens to them (AT THAT POINT IN THE MOVIE).

  • #4 – Chase scenes.

During a chase scene, when the character(s) run from the bungalow to the forest (It’s ALWAYS a forest, during the evening or night), the people whom you knew were meant to die from the very beginning would TRIP OVER A ROOT, or something ridiculous like that, get dragged by their feet, and would never be seen for  the remaining twenty minutes of the film. These people who trip and die lend more time to the main character, who now gets a better chance of escaping.

  • #5 – When someone goes towards a strange sound, or tries to investigate something by themselves, usually in the middle of the night, when they wake up for usually no reason. 

And that’s how some of them die.

  • #6 – The priests and people from churches and holy places usually have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on the possessed person. Here’s what happens – someone gets possessed, the concerned family members DON’T want to believe that they’re possessed, but somehow the fathers and holy people make their way into the plot, they sprinkle holy water on the person, the ghost roars and screams as though it’s in pain, and in the end the priest himself ends up possessed or dead.
  • #7 – Finally, I’m going to wrap this up with – THE POLICE ALWAYS COME IN THE END.

No matter WHEN in the movie they are called, they ALWAYS come AFTER everything is over. They are there in the film just to clean up all the blood, collect the bodies, that kind of stuff, and that’s when the main character is huddled in a blanket outside the house, looking as white as an egg.

So now if you ever watch a horror movie, you pretty much know the basic plot, don’t be scared and have fun!

9 thoughts on “The Worst Decisions Characters Make in Horror Movies

  1. First, this post was awesome! Extremely awesome! I would say its one of your most best posts yet, second, I used to be scared of horror stuff but this post is making my sides crack

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve thought about this a lot! Like, if I moved into a house and my dog refuses to come in even one, and then DIES, like in The Conjuring, I am so moving out. Why are these people so attached to the house that they refuse to move out?

    Liked by 1 person

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