Of All Questions Unanswered

2 minutes

As I grow up, the questions that have haunted mankind for millennia have begun to enter my mind. Does God really exist, what happens after death, and such. My scientifically trained mind tends to doubt what people simply believe in, because at first glance, there seems to be no proof of God’s existence. And yet, there are people who are said to have found God – sages and practitioners of various forms of Yoga and people who have found spiritual enlightenment.

During the pandemic, I found an old book which has been in my family’s possession for decades. It is called ‘A Search in Secret India’ by Dr. Paul Brunton.

Dr. Brunton, an Englishman, travels to India in the 20th century, on quest to unearth India’s fabled spiritual teachers. It was said that the country’s spiritual decline began when these Rishis/Sages went into seclusion. From then arose those who sought public attention, people who weren’t genuinely enlightened. So, in order to truly find these Rishis, Dr. Brunton journeys across the country, meeting various faqueers, mystics and Yogis, keeping an open but cautious mind , waiting to be truly convinced by what they all said. He witnesses several events that seem to defy logical explanations and cross the boundaries of what the common man would consider possible. I highly recommend the book.

In parallel, I am attempting to read the Bhagavad Gita and understand its meaning. It does require focused reading and thought to understand it fully, and I think that upon reading it over the years as I grow older, I should be able to grasp what it conveys properly.

I have read in many places that to truly attain spiritual enlightenment, one must seek the guidance of a personal teacher. If that is so, then I hope that at some point in time, I can embark on a journey to find a guide.

It is nevertheless incredibly fascinating to me – what kind of knowledge did ancient India hold that might be lost today? Who are the carriers of this secret wisdom and where are they now? In a world and time when everything is material, fast and changing constantly, are these Yogis still surviving? It is quite amazing how the questions that arise in our minds today were asked millennia ago.

This post is short because I barely have any answers to everything that I’ve asked. These thoughts have been nagging my mind for the past one or two years. I do hope to come back some day with some answers.

If you have experienced anything special pertaining to this, share it in the comments! Or you can get in touch through the Write to me page.

I hope you liked this post!

2 thoughts on “Of All Questions Unanswered

  1. Excellent expression!! dw, I am another teenager who have had all sorts of questions you have mentioned……thinking of reading the book you have suggested

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi saads!! My search is still going on 😊 I’ve recently started reading The Quest of the Overself, also by Dr. Paul Brunton. Would highly recommend it if you like A Search in Secret India!


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