To Take the Leap

1 minute

A blackout poem inspired by a dear friend of mine.

The night is quiet, perfectly still.
I wait and watch, I wish for the thrill.
And then it begins to fizzle, to spark,
And I watch the light replace the dark.

The skies explode, the stars fade,
Into oblivion, darkness unmade.
My soul is light, I can feel my heart beat,
I can look up forever and watch this fantastic feat.

Let the skies dance, let it never end,
Let me forget that which I can’t mend.
I’ll rise to this celebration of all that is great,
I’ll leave behind my sorrows and I won’t resign to fate.

The heavens are shining bright
Against the darkness of the night.
My worries lie forgotten, at least for a while,
I feel alive and ready and I look up and smile.

I no longer care, for joy fills my heart.
Oh, I so badly want to take part.
I run outside and I ask my friend,
Can I hold your sparkler, and celebrate till the end?

To Take the Leap

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