The Worst Decisions Characters Make in Horror Movies

I’ve always noticed some of the stupidest decisions made by characters in horror/ ghost movies. Over the years, I’ve watched many horror movies, in multiple languages, and there are always common elements in all of them. And somehow the main characters ALWAYS seem to make all the wrong choices. #1 – For example let’s start […]

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The Ghost – Part 3(Section 1)

I ran along, into an alley, and stopped. Looking around, I realized that it was a dead end. I heard the sound of running footsteps behind me, and swiftly turned around. There was a moment of silence, followed by the howling of a dog, which sounded very eerie in the darkness.
I was able to see two dark outlines of people, whose faces I couldn’t see. All three of us stood as still as statues – for a few moments.
“Hello?”, I whispered tentatively.

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The Ghost – Part 2

I woke up, thinking that it was dream. But it was not. I was lying on my bed, but not in my bedroom. I was in some place, but everything was black around me. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything.

“Is anybody there?” I asked.

No one answered. I got out of the bed and walked. There was a floor. I felt my way out of the black room. I walked down a flight of stairs and went down to the floor below. What I saw next surprised me the most.

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The Ghost

Once I was eating my dinner with my family. Suddenly someone rang the doorbell. I looked around and no one was there. My family and my food had disappeared.  I was shivering and I opened the door. (Can you guess who it was?) It was a horrible looking man. He was a ghost and was […]

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